Wednesday, August 31, 2016

RenHar. 31 Agustus 2016. Melayani dengan Sukacita.

MELAYANI menjadi indah,
  tapi hanya jika dilakukan dengan sukacita
   dan dengan segenap hati dan pikiran yang bebas.

*Pearl S. Buck*


Mutiara Iman.

31 Agustus 2016.

"Juga di kota-kota lain Aku harus memberitakan Injil Kerajaan Allah sebab itulah Aku diutus"
(Luk 4:43)

1 Kor 3:1-9; Mzm 33:12-13,14-15,20-21; Luk 4:38-44.

Sejak menjadi katekis, Theo mengubah hidupnya untuk mewartakan Sabda Allah.

Beberapa kali orang yang mengalami masalah baik itu iman ataupun kehidupan, menjadi bergairah lagi untuk mengikuti semangat Kristus setelah mendengar pewartaan Theo.

Suatu malam, Tjipto salah satu umat yang sudah bertobat berkata :
"Pak Theo, apakah tujuan Bapak dengan melakukan semua pelayanan ini? Terlebih-lebih sudah banyak orang yang bertobat?"

Theo menjawab :
"Pak Tjipto, saya hanya melanjutkan apa yang telah Yesus lakukan yaitu mewartakan Injil Kerajaan Allah. Tetapi tentang orang yang bertobat, sembuh, atau berdamai, itu adalah karunia Tuhan, dan saya hanya bisa mensyukurinya."

Tetapi Yesus berkata kepada mereka :
"Juga di kota-kota kain Aku harus memberitakan Injil Kerajaan Allah sebab itulah Aku diutus."

Kita yang mewartakan Sabda Tuhan, Allah yang mempertobatkan, menyembuhkan dan mendamaikan.

Ya Tuhan, terima kasih atas kerahiman-Mu. Amin.

Marilah kita melakukan karya kerahiman dengan tekun mewartakan Kerajaan Allah kepada sesama.

Have a Blessed Wednesday.


Luke 4:38-44.

Wednesday 31st August.

When the sun was setting, all those who had any that were sick with various diseases brought them to him; and he laid his hands on every one of them and healed them... And when it was day he departed and went into a lonely place. And the people sought him and came to him, and would have kept him from leaving them; but he said to them,
"I must preach the good news of the kingdom of God to the other cities also; for I was sent for this purpose."

What a wonderful day! The sunset found Jesus attending to hundreds of people queuing to be healed at the door of St Peter's house in Capernaum. The weary Apostles were happy to help the people, organising lines and calming down the anxious crowd which was pressing in around Jesus. The evening came and there He was... still laying His hands "on every one of them".

And when the sun rose, exhausted as He was after a long day and a long night, Jesus left for a lonely place to pray. But people didn't want Him to leave. Maybe even the Apostles preferred to stay there: the mob was coming to Him, 'why should they go'? Yes, probably it was lovely and more comfortable to be at Peter's house. But Jesus wasn't content with serving only those who sought Him. His Will was to go "to the other cities also" and seek more souls.

We, like Jesus, can't be content with just helping those around us. Jesus told us to go "to the whole world", not to stay with the same souls and in the same place. We have to search souls out and get out of our comfort zone to bring them to Christ.

One day the Bishop of Madrid, Leopoldo Eijo y Garay (1878-1963), was told of a dying person in hospital who didn't want to go to confession. In order to put off  the nun who was insisting that he go to confession, he said that his sins were so many that he would need to confess them to a bishop.

As soon as the bishop heard about it he took a taxi and went to the hospital straightaway. You can imagine the face of that sick person when the bishop entered the room and said with a smile:
'Let's get down to business.
Where do we start?'.

Mary, Queen of the Universe, bury deep in my heart the sentiment that where souls are concerned, nothing is too much trouble.
Everyone is worth all the Blood of Jesus.


Tips of the day:
day 1453.

Orang yang pergi mencari kuasa gelap masih saja banyak. Praktek perdukunan terus ada. Ramal meramal dikemas secara menarik sehingga terkadang tidak lagi terlihat secara nyata sebagai okultisme.

Dikalangan orang percaya masih banyak terjadi. Di satu sisi ke gereja dan berdoa, di sisi lain meminta kepada roh leluhur atau pergi ke paranormal. Mereka menganggap itu hanyalah alternatif saja yang tidak ada hubungannya dengan iman.

Yang mana yang paling cepat, yang penting masalah teratasi. Siapa tahu Tuhan bekerja lewat mereka. Ini cara berfikir yang sangat keliru. Sudahkan kita tahu konsekuensinya menduakan Tuhan?

"Demikianlah Saul mati karena perbuatannya yang tidak setia terhadap TUHAN, oleh karena ia tidak berpegang pada firman TUHAN, dan juga karena ia telah meminta petunjuk dari arwah, dan tidak meminta petunjuk TUHAN. Sebab itu TUHAN membunuh dia dan menyerahkan jabatan raja itu kepada Daud bin Isai."
(1 Tawarikh 10:13-14).

Selamat pagi sahabat,
  have a blessed day!


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