Friday, September 15, 2017

Bacaan Liturgi 15 September 2017 Jumat Pekan Biasa XXIII PW S.P. Maria Berdukacita. Meneladan Bunda Maria.

*Meneladan Bunda Maria*

PADA perayaan Maria Berdukacita, kita diajak untuk mengenang kembali kehidupan Bunda Maria. Bunda Maria percaya sepenuhnya terhadap kehendak dan rencana Allah meskipun jalan kehidupannya penuh dengan duka dan derita.

Bunda juga selalu setia menemani Yesus, bahkan mengikuti perjalananNya sampai di kaki salib, sementara para murid melarikan diri. Bunda tetap berdiri tegak walaupun hatinya hancur, kehadirannya memberikan kekuatan bagi Yesus untuk menuntaskan tugas perutusanNya di dunia.

Hidup di dunia tidak pernah terlepas dari kesulitan dan penderitaan. Setiap orang pasti mengalaminya, begitu pula sebagai bunda dari Yesus, Maria tidak terbebas dari penderitaan.

Penderitaan yang menderanya sungguh luar biasa, dimulai sejak dari Betlehem sampai ke Golgota. Sekalipun demikian, Bunda Maria menghadapinya dengan tabah, penuh iman dan tidak pernah kehilangan harapan.

Manusia memiliki kecenderungan untuk hidup nyaman dan menghindari kesulitan. Namun sebagai umat beriman hendaknya kita jangan pernah melarikan diri dari permasalahan, penderitaan, atau pun kesengsaraan yang akan kita temui di sepanjang jalan kehidupan.

Mari meneladani sikap Bunda Maria, pikullah salib kehidupan dengan taat dan setia, percaya dan berserah diri kepada Tuhan.

Mohon pertolongan kepada Bunda untuk mendoakan kita, agar tetap setia mengikuti Yesus dan menerima kehendak Allah sepahit apa pun. Semoga kelak kita layak menerima mahkota kehidupan abadi di dalam kerajaanNya.


DI tengah kedukaan, 

  iman mencabut rasa sakit dari setiap permasalahan.

*Richard Cecil*


Bacaan Liturgi 15 September 2017

Jumat Pekan Biasa XXIII
PW S.P. Maria Berdukacita

Bacaan Pertama
Ibr 5:7-9
Kristus telah belajar menjadi taat,
dan Ia menjadi pokok keselamatan abadi.

Pembacaan dari Surat kepada Orang Ibrani:

dalam hidup-Nya sebagai manusia,
Kristus telah mempersembahkan doa dan permohonan
dengan ratap tangis dan keluhan
kepada Dia yang sanggup menyelamatkan-Nya dari maut.
Dan karena kesalehan-Nya Ia telah didengarkan.
Akan tetapi, sekalipun Anak Allah, Yesus telah belajar menjadi taat;
dan ini ternyata dari apa yang telah diderita-Nya.
Dan sesudah mencapai kesempurnaan,
Ia menjadi pokok keselamatan abadi
bagi semua orang yang taat kepada-Nya.

Demikianlah sabda Tuhan.

Mzm 31:2-3a.3b-4.5-6.15-16.20
Selamatkanlah aku, ya Tuhan,
oleh kasih setia-Mu.

*Pada-Mu, ya Tuhan, aku berlindung,
janganlah sekali-kali aku mendapat malu.
Luputkanlah aku oleh karena keadilan-Mu,
sendengkanlah telinga-Mu kepadaku,
bersegeralah melepaskan daku.

*Jadilah bagiku gunung batu tempat berlindung,
dan kubu pertahanan untuk menyelamatkan daku!
Sebab Engkaulah bukit batu dan pertahananku;
oleh karena nama-Mu Engkau akan menuntun
dan membimbing aku.

*Engkau akan mengeluarkan aku dari jaring
yang dipasang orang terhadap aku,
sebab Engkaulah tempat perlindunganku.
Ke dalam tangan-Mulah kuserahkan nyawaku;
sudilah membebaskan aku, ya Tuhan, Allah yang setia.

*Tetapi aku, kepada-Mu, ya Tuhan, aku percaya,
aku berkata "Engkaulah Allahku!"
Masa hidupku ada dalam tangan-Mu,
lepaskanlah aku dari tangan musuh-musuhku
dan bebaskanlah aku dari tangan orang-orang yang mengejarku.

*Alangkah limpahnya kebaikan-Mu
yang telah Kausimpan bagi orang yang takwa kepada-Mu,
yang telah Kaulakukan di hadapan manusia
bagi orang yang berlindung pada-Mu!

Bait Pengantar Injil
Yoh 17:17b.a
Sabda-Mu, ya Tuhan, adalah kebenaran.
Kuduskanlah kami dalam kebenaran.

Bacaan Injil
Yoh 19:25-27
Inilah anakmu! - Inilah ibumu!

Inilah Injil Yesus Kristus menurut Yohanes:

Waktu Yesus bergantung di salib,
didekat salib itu berdirilah ibu Yesus
dan saudara ibu Yesus,
Maria, isteri Klopas dan Maria Magdalena.
Ketika Yesus melihat ibu-Nya
dan murid yang dikasihi-Nya di sampingnya,
berkatalah Ia kepada ibu-Nya,
"Ibu, inilah, anakmu!"
Kemudian kata-Nya kepada murid-Nya,
"Inilah ibumu!"

Dan sejak saat itu murid itu menerima ibu Yesus di dalam rumahnya.

Demikianlah Injil Tuhan.


Mutiara Iman


15 September 2017

_"Ibu, inilah anakmu!...Inilah Ibumu"_

(Yoh 19:26-27)

Ibr 5:7-9; Mzm 31:2-3a,3b-4,5-6,15-16,20; Yoh 19:25-27

Sejak datang ke kota Jakarta, Sandi bekerja keras membanting tulang dan setelah 5 tahun ia pun bisa membeli rumah di pinggiran jakarta. 

Lima tahun kemudian setiap pulang ke rumah, dia sering berjumpa seorang anak kecil di pinggir jalan yang diajaknya ke rumahnya untuk diberi makanan. Lama-kelamaan datang beberapa anak lagi sehingga tanpa terasa dalam satu tahun, ada 7 anak yang diasuhnya.

Ketika ada pertemuan BKSN di rumahnya, seorang pewarta berkata :
"Apa yang dilakukan Pak Sandi sudah melebihi apa yang saya wartakan. Pak Sandi sudah mau memberikan HARTA UTAMAnya bagi anak-anak ini, sehingga mereka tidak menjadi Yatim Piatu, sama dengan Yesus yang memberikan Bunda-Nya Bunda Maria kepada kita, supaya kita tidak menjadi anak yatim piatu."

Kemudian kata-Nya kepada murid-murid-Nya :
"Inilah ibumu!"

KESUCIAN diperoleh ketika kita MENYERAHKAN yang kita miliki kepada sesama.

Ya Tuhan, tambahkanlah iman kami. Amin

_Marilah kita mau melepaskan apa yang kita miliki termasuk yang paling kita sayangi._

*Have a Blessed Our Lady of Sorrows Day.*


Friday, 15th SEPTEMBER
Our Lady of Sorrows

John 19:25-27

Standing by the cross of Jesus were his mother, and his mother's sister, Mary the wife of Cleophas, and Mary Magdalene. When Jesus saw his mother, and the disciple whom he loved standing near, he said to his mother, "Woman, behold, your son!" Then he said to the disciple, "Behold, your mother!" And from that hour the disciple took her to his own home.

After the Feast of the Holy Cross we look at Our Lady at the foot of Jesus Crucified. If we hold our Mother close to us and stand by her Son's Cross, we will learn something great from her. 

Consider that Mary wasn't hysterical in her grief or shouting back at those who tortured her Son. The Gospel does not mention whether she spoke encouraging words to Jesus as He was dying. It only says that she 'was standing by the Cross'. She was in a place where she could be seen by Jesus. And there she contemplated her Son in agony. What great comfort she gave to Jesus just by being there with Him!

Bear in mind that Our Lady was not there out of a sense of duty. Rather, she knew that for Jesus it was important to look down and find the lovely face of His Mother; to let Him know that He wasn't left alone. Until the end of time that is the place of Our Lady: at the foot of the Cross, close to her Son, co-redeeming with Him. That's where we find her constantly. 

Every Christian who suffers finds Mary always beside him or her. Because this Mother cannot ever abandon her children, and even less in time of suffering. 

By the bed of a sick child you find the mother. She may not say anything, but her presence comforts the child. 

Since that day on Calvary, it's impossible for a Christian to suffer alone. If we suffer, we are with Jesus on the Cross. And if we are there we will see Mary at our side.

As we try to learn from Mary how to pray, we see that prayer does not always imply words. We can pray as Our Lady does, by looking at Jesus and contemplating Him on the Cross. Love doesn't always need words. In fact, many times it needs no words. 

Mary, Mother of Sorrows, may I be a comfort for Jesus as He looks down from the Cross and finds you, His Mother, and me, holding your hand, "standing by the Cross".


Commentary of the day :

Blessed Guerric of Igny (c.1080-1157), Cistercian abbot
4th Sermon for the Assumption (©Cistercian Fathers series)

"From that hour the disciple took her into his home"

When Jesus was going round towns and villages preaching the Gospel, Mary was his inseparable companion, clinging to his footsteps and hanging upon his words as he taught, so much so that neither the storm of persecution nor dread of punishment could deter her from following her Son and Master. "By the Lord's cross there stood Mary, his Mother". Truly a Mother, who did not abandon her Son even in the face of death. How could she be frightened of death, when "her love was as strong as death," (Sg 8,6) or rather stronger than death? Truly she stood by Jesus' cross, when at the same time the pain of the cross crucified her mind and as manifold a sword pierced her own soul (Lk 2,35) as she beheld the body of her Son pierced with wounds. Rightly therefore was she recognized as his Mother there and by his care entrusted to a suitable protector, in which both the mother's unalloyed love for her Son and the Son's kindness toward his Mother were proved to the utmost...

Loving her as he did Jesus "Loved her to the end" (Jn 13,1), so as not only to bring his life to an end for her but also to speak almost his last words for her benefit. As his last will and testament he committed to his beloved heir the care of his mother... 

The Church fell to peter, Mary to John. This bequest belonged to John not only by right of kinship but also because of the privilege love had bestowed and the witness his chastity bore... It was fitting that none other than the beloved of her Son should minister to the mother of the Lord... Providence also arranged very conveniently that he who was to write a Gospel should have intimate conferences with her who knew about them all, for she had taken note from the beginning of everything that happened to her Son and "treasured up all the words concerning him, pondering them in her heart" (Lk 2,19).


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