Sunday, March 27, 2011

The water of life

An old farmer has requested a water company, to sell his land containing the springs. But the old farmer refused on the water can turn a lot of farmers in his village. Grandpa was also rejected persuasion land brokers that by selling his land, he can go worship and to enjoy a happy life in his old age. The old man forgot his dream, he wants to share his springs water with the alot of farmers, his friends, during his lifetime.

On the other hand, has entered
consumerism life
style of young people in
his village, so many young people live in style. They buy mobile phones, motorcycles and various other objects of consumerism. And they sell their rice fields. For a moment they have money and can live with style, but in a few years, their have difficulty, their earning less than the magnitude of lifestyle.

At that moment the young man realized that the water is very important. Moreover, the water can make them have enough life. Young children are also aware that their attitude determines the future of their lives and families. So they are very grateful and learn from the old farmer who share his spring water eyes and forget for a moment dreams and hopes. They promised that they will work hard to help realize the old farmer dream.

Gospel Reflections: Conversations with the Samaritan woman
1. Why Jesus (a Jew) asked for water to the Samaritan woman? Why did Jesus introduce Himself to the Samaritan woman? Why did Jesus want to follow the wishes of the people of Samaria to stay longer there?

2. Why the new Samaritan woman came to the well at noon (at 12)? Why did the Samaritan woman
interest and very enthusiastic when Jesus wanted to give the Living Water? Why did she leave her water jar and go to town then said to the people there?

3. Why do the disciples of Jesus surprised to see Jesus talking with the Samaritan woman?
Why did they not ask it to Jesus?

4. Why is the population of Samaria would listen to the words that the Samaritan woman? Why they want to meet Jesus and ask Him to stay longer? Why do they believe in Jesus?

Sunday, March 27, 2011: WATER OF LIFE

Exodus.17 :3-7 + Psalms.95 :1-2 ,6-9 + Romans.5 :1-2 ,5-8 + John.4 :5-42

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