TUHAN mengubah
ulat menjadi kupu-kupu,
butiran pasir menjadi mutiara dan
batu bara menjadi intan,
menggunakan waktu dan tekanan.
Ia juga sedang bekerja pada anda.
*Rick Warren*
Tahukah Anda, jika kita masukan seekor burung elang dalam sebuah kandang ukuran 2 x 2,5 M dan bagian atapnya terbuka sekalipun, tetap elang itu tidak bisa terbang.
Ternyata elang akan memulai terbang dari tanah dengan berlari sejauh 3 - 3,5 M. Tanpa tempat untuk berlari, elang ini tidak akan mampu terbang dan terjebak selamanya dalam kandang kecil yg tanpa penutup.
Tahukah Anda,
jika seekor lebah yang jatuh ke dalam cangkir kosong yang terbuka, juga akan tetap di sana sampai mati, kecuali jika karena tidak tega Anda keluarkan dia.
Lebah tidak pernah lihat jalan keluar pada bagian atasnya, melainkan terus berusaha cari jalan keluar lewat pinggir dekat dasarnya, cari jalan di mana tidak ada jalan, hingga ia menghancurkan diri sendiri.
Ternyata banyak dari kita, juga seperti burung elang dan lebah itu:
- Bergumul dengan masalah.
- Fokus terus dengan masalah.
- Mengeluh terus sampai akhirnya frustasi sendiri.
Sadarilah bahwa jawaban dari masalah kita adalah selalu di atas, yaitu Tuhan. Menengadahlah. Ucapkanlah doa dan lepas landaslah dalam bertindak mencari solusi. Lakukan lagi dan terus berjuang!
Selalu ada pengharapan yang baru .
Keep praying !
Keep fighting !
Keep the dreams!
Morning all.
Thursday, 9th FEBRUARY
Mark 7:24-30
A woman, whose little daughter was possessed by an unclean spirit, heard of him, and came and fell down at his feet. Now the woman was a Greek, a Syrophoenician by birth. And she begged him to cast the demon out of her daughter ...
"you may go your way; the demon has left your daughter."
And she went home, and found the child lying in bed, and the demon gone.
St Josemaria once said that the problem we face today is that "few people pray, and those who pray... pray little."
The world needs more and more Christians who 'believe' in the power of prayer.
We could say that people don't know how to pray.
The woman of the Gospel teaches us that prayer, to be effective, "ought to be humble, fervent, resigned, persevering, and accompanied with great reverence. One should consider that he stands in the presence of a God, and speaks with a Lord before whom the angels tremble from awe and fear."
(St Mary Magdalen de Pazzi)
Children can teach us.
A parish priest decided to have a 24-hour vigil every Friday.
To this purpose he left out a timetable for Adoration so that parishioners could sign up to take turns.
When the timetable was complete, he discovered that a First Holy Communion boy had chosen the slot between 3 and 4 am! He called the parents and found out that they had agreed to it.
The boy told the priest that he wanted Jesus to 'heal his family'. His dad was an alcoholic, unemployed and violent at times.
On the first Friday, his mum woke him up and brought him to the church and stayed with him.
On the second Friday it was his dad's turn. He took the child to the church but waited for him outside.
However, after a few weeks the dad started waiting 'inside'.
Little by little the father started praying with the child during those vigils.
In less than three months Jesus healed the family: dad stopped drinking, found a job and became a new man.
When the priest saw what had happened he went to congratulate the boy for his perseverance. 'Congratulations', said the priest, 'Jesus has done it!'
The boy was surprised at the priest's words. 'Of course. Why? ',
he replied. 'Did you ever doubt it?'
The priest never forgot the lesson in faith given by an 8-year-old.
How is my faith when I pray?
Mother Most Faithful,
teach me to pray.
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