INTEGRITAS dibangun dengan mengalahkan godaan untuk tidak jujur;
Kerendahan hati tumbuh ketika kita menolak untuk menjadi sombong;
Daya tahan berkembang setiap kali anda menolak godaan untuk menyerah.
*Rick Warren*
⭕Mutiara Iman
22 Agustus 2016.
_"Dan barangsiapa bersumpah demi Bait Suci, ia bersumpah demi Bait Suci dan juga demi Dia, yang diam di situ"_
2 Tes 1:1-5, 11b-12; Mzm 96:1-2a, 2b-3,4-5; Mat 23:13-22.
Suatu sore, Ratih mendatangi ibunya dan mengeluh bahwa ia merasa sudah tidak cocok lagi dengan Samuel, suaminya.
"Ia seperti orang asing mah. Saya sudah tidak ada rasa cinta lagi!" Kata Ratih dengan tegas.
Lalu Monika, sang ibu berkata :
"Kamu ingat ketika mengucapkan janji perkawinan dulu?"
"Ya mah, tapi itukan cuma di depan Pastor Romanus dan para saksi. Kok repot sekali sih!" Jawab Ratih ketus.
Lalu Monika berkata :
"Kamu berjanji bukan hanya di hadapan Pastor Romanus saja, tapi juga dihadapan Allah.
Apabila ada masalah, libatkanlah Allah dalam doamu, Dia sumber kerahiman dan cinta.
Apa yang telah dipersatukan Allah..."
"Jangan diceraikan manusia" kata Ratih.
Yesus berkata :
"Barangsiapa bersumpah demi Bait Suci, ia bersumpah demi Bait Suci dan juga demi Dia, yang diam di situ."
Ketika kita memgucapkan janji perkawinan, Allah hadir.
Ya Tuhan, sadarkanlah kami atas janji perkawinan kami. Amin.
_Marilah kita melakukan karya kerahiman dengan menjaga hidup perkawinan kita bersama Allah dalam kasih-Nya._
*Have a Blessed Monday.*
📢Renungan Harian : 📖
PW.Sta.Perawan Maria Ratu.
Senin 22Agustus16*
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😇Have a Blessed Monday!
Monday 22nd August.
The Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Matthew 23:13-22.
"But woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! Because you shut the kingdom of heaven against men; for you neither enter yourselves, nor allow those who would enter to go in.
Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you traverse sea and land to make a single proselyte, and when he becomes a proselyte, you make him twice as much a child of hell as yourselves."
Our Lord was full of understanding with all kinds of sinners. He could forgive every sin. But here there was a group of sinners to whom He was very harsh. Dealing with hypocrites, Jesus pulled no punches.
Isn't God Merciful with every sinner?
Why is He so severe with hypocrites?
For one single reason: they didn't consider themselves sinners. God can forgive every sinner as long as they recognise their sins. Like an alcoholic, they can only solve the problem when they realise they have a problem.
When little St Josemaría felt embarrassed trying new clothes, his mother used to tell him,
"Josemaría, you should only be ashamed of sinning"
There is no shame in confessing our sins.
There is a story of a priest who found a devil messing around among the people waiting in the queue of his confessional.
The priest asked him: 'What are you doing here, you wretch?'
'I took from them their shame of sinning',
the evil spirit replied:
'Now I'm giving it back to them, so that they feel ashamed of confessing'.
A teacher had a terrible year with a particular class. He had written down all the mishaps (more than 200!) Towards the end of the year he was reading the list of mishaps and thinking about a proportionate punishment for the pupils.
Suddenly a thought struck him.
Next to every event there was a name.
Then he realised that every single time he asked: 'Who did this?' someone admitted the offence.
Every single time!
Not once did the responsible pupil remain silent or blame someone else.
'They were rascals', the teacher thought, but 'honest rascals'.
How could he punish them?
In the same way, God forgives those who admit their guilt.
Holy Mary, Refuge of Sinners, help me to be always ready to repent and confess my sins.
Tips of the day:
day 1445.
Bagi kebanyakan orang, pulang kerumah adalah sesuatu yang menyenangkan. Pulang bertemu dengan keluarga, menjadi kesempatan semakin dekat dan menimba aura positif dari keluarga dan rumah kita.
Tapi ada juga orang yang malas untuk pulang karena tidak nyaman di rumah, atau lagi terlalu sibuk mengikuti atau mengerjakan sesuatu.
Kerinduan untuk pulangpun mulai hilang.
Yesus menyuruh orang-orang yang mengikuti-Nya untuk pulang.
Mereka disuruh pulang agar berjumpa dengan keluarganya. Ia tidak ingin mereka selalu mengikuti-nya lalu melupakan keluarga.
Jangan pernah kehilangan kerinduan untuk pulang.
"Sesudah itu Yesus segera memerintahkan murid-murid-Nya naik ke perahu dan mendahului-Nya ke seberang, sementara itu Ia menyuruh orang banyak pulang."
(Matius 14:22).
Selamat pagi sahabat,
have a blessed day!
Senin. 22 Agustus 2016.
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