Saturday, August 20, 2016

RenHar. Sabtu, 20Agustus16. Jangan Munafik.

SESEORANG dapat bersikap munafik di depan sesama,
  tapi tidak di hadapan Tuhan.

Semuanya terungkap dan terbuka di hadapanNya,
  tidak ada yang tersembunyi.

Dia mengetahui setiap pikiran dan niat kita.


Mutiara Iman.

20 Agustus 2016.

"..karena mereka mengajarkannya tetapi tidak melakukannya"
(Mat 23:3)

Yeh 43:1-7a; Mzm 85:9ab-10, 11-12, 13-14; Mat 23:1-12.

Peter adalah seorang pewarta yang  terkenal dengan pewartaanya.
Banyak umat yang bertobat karena pewartaan yang diberikan.

Karena kesibukannya, Peter dibantu oleh beberapa orang yang tergabung dalam satu komunitas. 
Setelah mulai dekat dengan Peter, banyak orang yang awalnya kagum, menjadi mengeluh:

"Kok Mas Peter tidak seperti waktu mewarta ya?" Kata Ayu salah anggota komunitas.

"Iya, kebanyakan malah dia yang mau dilayani, gampang emosi, sering bergosip, dan lain sebagainya" kata Lanny.

Tetapi kemudian Dewa, rekan paling muda berkata:
"Mba, Mas Peter itu bukan Tuhan, kita ya ikutin pewartaanya yang berasal dari Tuhan dan kita jangan ikuti apa yang dilakukannya yang menurut kita tidak sesuai dengan yang diwartakannya. Makanya Mba Ayu dan Mba Lanny, jangan sering bergosip!"

Yesus berkata:"Sebab itu turutilah dan lakukanlah segala sesuatu yang mereka ajarkan kepadamu, tetapi jangan kamu turuti perbuatan-perbuatan mereka.."

Murid Tuhan adalah seorang pelayan yang mau merendahkan diri untuk melayani sesama.

Ya Tuhan, jadikanlah kami murid-Mu yang mengikuti teladan-Mu. Amin.

Marilah kita melakukan karya kerahiman dengan menjadi pendengar Sabda, pewarta Sabda dan pelaku Sabda.

Have a Blessed Saturday.


📢Renungan Harian : 📖


PW.St.Bernardus Abas+Pujangga Gereja.

 Sabtu 20Agustus16*

Silahkan download, pilih salah 1 dari link di bawah ini:

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  - Link 2 :

  - Link 3 :

  - Link 4  :

Have a Blessed Saturday! 😇


St Bernard, Abbot and Doctor of the Church.
Saturday 20th August.

Matthew 23:1-12.

Jesus said:
"The scribes and the Pharisees sit on Moses' seat; so practice and observe whatever they tell you, but not what they do;
  for they preach,
  but do not practice. They bind heavy burdens, hard to bear, and lay them on men's shoulders;
but they themselves will not move them with their  nger.
They do all their deeds to be seen by men."

The difference between Jesus and the other rabbis was that Jesus walked the talk. The scribes and Pharisees knew the theory very well. They knew and taught what had to be done... by others.
Therefore people didn't follow them.
  You see?

The usual voice of command in combat is 'Forward!', 'Charge!' or 'Attack!'

In the current army of Israel they say instead: "Follow me!", because the officer goes in front of the troop.

How powerful is the example of the Saints. It is more powerful than their words.

British journalist Malcolm Muggeridge was an agnostic for most of his life and during his early years a Communist sympathiser.

In November 1982, he explained in 'The Times' the reasons for his conversion to the Catholic Faith. He was captivated by the faithfulness of the Church to her moral teachings. He was impressed by the fact that, many times, the church was  fighting alone in her defence of moral values. But the real push to his conversion was given by a small nun, Blessed Teresa of Calcutta, who was 'living the Gospel in real life'.

"Words cannot express how much I owe her." he said in an interview. "She showed me Christianity in action. She showed me the power of love. She showed me how one loving person can start a tidal wave of love that can spread to the entire world".
We will never fully realise until we arrive in Heaven all the good that God can do with our good example as Christians in the middle of the world. We could have a whole encyclopaedia full of stories about conversions to Christ that started with the example of a good Christian. We can, with our example, preach the Gospel at all times.

Holy Mary, Virgin Most Prudent, help me to embody the Gospel in my daily life, to become a living Gospel for my relatives and friends.



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