Friday, December 14, 2018

1812141. Bacaan Liturgi 14 Desember 2018 Hari Biasa, Pekan Adven II PW S. Yohanes dari Salib, Imam dan Pujangga Gereja.

Bacaan Liturgi 14 Desember 2018
Hari Biasa, Pekan Adven II
PW S. Yohanes dari Salib, Imam dan Pujangga Gereja.

Bacaan Pertama
Yes 48:17-19
Ah, sekiranya engkau memperhatikan perintah-perintah-Ku!

Pembacaan dari Kitab Yesaya:

Beginilah firman Tuhan, Penebusmu, Yang Mahakudus, Allah Israel,
"Akulah Tuhan Allahmu,
yang mengajarkan hal-hal yang berfaedah bagimu,
yang menuntun engkau di jalan yang harus kautempuh.
Sekiranya engkau memperhatikan perintah-perintah-Ku,
maka damai sejahteramu akan seperti sungai yang tidak pernah kering,
dan kebahagiaanmu akan terus berlimpah
seperti gelombang-gelombang laut yang tidak pernah berhenti.
Maka keturunanmu akan seperti pasir
dan anak cucumu seperti kersik banyaknya.
Nama mereka tidak akan dilenyapkan atau ditiadakan
dari hadapan-Ku."

Demikianlah sabda Tuhan.

Mzm 1:1-6
R:Yoh 8:12
Barangsiapa mengikuti Engkau, ya Tuhan,
akan mempunyai terang hidup.

*Berbahagialah orang
yang tidak berjalan menurut nasihat orang fasik,
yang tidak berdiri di jalan orang berdosa,
dan yang tidak duduk dalam kumpulan kaum pencemooh;
tetapi yang kesukaannya ialah hukum Tuhan,
dan siang malam merenungkannya.

*Ia seperti pohon, yang ditanam di tepi aliran air,
yang menghasilkan buah pada musimnya,
dan daunnya tak pernah layu;
apa saja yang diperbuatnya berhasil.

*Bukan demikian orang-orang fasik:
mereka seperti sekam yang ditiup angin.
Orang fasik tidak akan tahan dalam penghakiman,
orang berdosa tidak akan betah dalam perkumpulan orang benar;
sebab Tuhan mengenal jalan orang benar,
tetapi jalan orang fasik menuju kebinasaan.

Bacaan Injil
Mat 11:16-19
Mereka tidak mendengarkan Yohanes Pembaptis maupun Anak Manusia.

Inilah Injil Yesus Kristus menurut Matius:

Yesus berkata kepada orang banyak,
"Dengan apakah akan Kuumpamakan angkatan ini?
Mereka itu seumpama anak-anak yang duduk di pasar
dan berseru kepada teman-temannya,
'Kami meniup seruling bagimu, tetapi kalian tidak menari.
Kami menyanyikan kidung duka, tetapi kalian tidak berkabung.'

Sebab Yohanes Pembaptis datang, ia tidak makan dan tidak minum,
dan mereka berkata, 'Ia kerasukan setan.'
Kemudian Anak Manusia datang, Ia makan dan minum,
dan mereka berkata,
'Lihatlah, seorang pelahap dan peminum,
sahabat pemungut cukai dan orang-orang berdosa.'
Tetapi hikmat Allah dibenarkan oleh perbuatannya."

Demikianlah injil Tuhan.


Friday, 14th DECEMBER

St John of the Cross, Doctor of the Church

Matthew 11:16-19

"But to what shall I compare this generation? It is like children sitting in the market places and calling to their playmates, 'We piped to you, and you did not dance; we wailed, and you did not mourn.' For John came neither eating nor drinking, and they say, 'He has a demon'; the Son of man came eating and drinking, and they say, 'Behold, a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners!' Yet wisdom is justified by her deeds."

Jesus complained about those who are never satisfied with anything. St John the Baptist had been preaching for them and they wouldn't listen to him; maybe they thought he was too harsh or too radical or too rustic... Then came Jesus and they didn't like Him either. They were expecting someone different. This happened many times in the history of Israel: they were never happy with the prophets that God gave them or with the messages that Our Lord sent to them.

Have you heard the legend of Procrustes? 

He had an iron bed which all his victims 'had to' fit into. If a guest was shorter than the bed he would stretch him. And if the victim was longer than the bed he would cut off his legs... 

Some people can be a bit like Procrustes. Nothing ever meets their expectations. Not even God.

At the end of the day, it was just pride: 'St John didn't eat; Jesus ate too much...' When people don't want to change their way of life they always make excuses. 

Imagine that a doctor tells a man to follow an uncomfortable diet to stay healthy. What would you think if that man refused to follow the diet, claiming that the doctor smokes or drinks too much? Excuses! He just doesn't want to follow the diet. Or if a man doesn't want to take the medicine because the doctor who prescribed it is a gambler? Some people who are not interested in going to Mass or confessing their sins, praying a bit more, giving money to the poor or lending a hand to their neighbours... they may try to accuse someone else of other vices to justify themselves and not do anything. 

Mary, Mother of Good Counsel, do not allow me to make excuses when your Son makes demands on me and when His plan doesn't coincide with my 'project'. 

Mother, teach me with your life that God can never ask too much of me.


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