Monday, December 5, 2016

RenHar. Senin 5 Des'16. Pekan Biasa Adven II. Kuasa Tuhan ada besertaNya.

DARI kepedulian
  timbullah keberanian.

*Lao Tzu*


*⭕Sabda Hidup*

5 Desember 2016.

KESEMBUHAN adalah peristiwa yang dinantikan oleh orang sakit. Mereka akan berusaha sedemikian rupa agar segera sembuh dari sakitnya. Dokter dan juga orang pintar dikejar. Harta dan waktu pun dikorbankan. Kesembuhan dicari. Sering pencarian itu melibatkan banyak orang di sekitarnya seperti keluarga dan tetangga-tetangganya.

Nama Yesus terdengar di telinga banyak orang. Mereka mendengar bahwa Ia bisa menyembuhkan orang sakit. Berita itu menggerakkan orang-orang di sekitar si lumpuh. Mereka berusaha sedemikian rupa mempertemukan si Lumpuh dengan Yesus. Saat bertemu si Lumpuh pun mendapatkan berkat. Ia sembuh.

Kita pun mungkin mengalami sakit baik fisik atau pun psikis. Kala sakit fisik kita akan segera berusaha memperbaikinya. Namun kala sakit psikis tanpa kita sadari kita menambah sakitnya. 

Misalnya lagi marah dengan seseorang maka yang terjadi bukan mencari cara berhenti marah tapi malah menambah marah dengan hal-hal yang tak kita setujui darinya. 

Marilah kita sadari sakit kita masing-masing dan berusaha menyembuhkan dan mencari kesembuhannya.


Pejamkan matamu. Lihatlah sakit yang sedang menimpamu. Carilah cara untuk menyembuhkannya.


Tulislah pengalamanmu berusaha menyembuhkan sakitmu.

Tuhan aku percaya Engkau akan menjagaiku. Bebaskanlah aku dari rasa sakitku. Bantulah semua orang yang sedang mencari kesembuhan. Amin.

Romo Noegroho Agoeng Sriwidodo Pr


"Kuasa Tuhan ada besertaNya"

Senin 5 Des' Pekan Biasa Adven II. 

Injil Lukas 5:26, menulis.

Yesus berkata: Hari ini kami telah menyaksikan hal-hal yang sangat mengherankan"

Yesus menjawab secara tegas bahwa kehadiranNya adalah kehadiran Allah sendiri, "Di dunia ini Anak Manusia berkuasa mengampuni dosa" Untuk menggarisbawahi pernyataanNya itu, Ia menyembuhkan orang sakit, Ia membuktikan bahwa kuasa Tuhan ada besertaNya. Ia berkuasa untuk menyelamatkan manusia karena Ia adalah Allah. Ini yang tidak ditangkap oleh orang Farisi dan ahli Taurat karena hati mereka tertutup terhadap suara Tuhan. Orang yang terbuka akan pewahyuan Allah dalam diri Yesus inilah yang akhirnya memuliakan Allah.

Tuhan Yesus, teguhkanlah iman kami akan cinta dan belas kasihMu yang tak terbatas agar kami mampu memuji namaMu selama-lamanya. Amin.
Met Hari Senin.

Bacaan: Yes 31:1-10. Mzm 85:9-14. Lukas 5:17-26.


Monday, 5th DECEMBER
Day 6 of the Novena.

Luke 5:17-26

Men were bringing on a bed a man who was paralysed, and they sought to bring him in and lay him before Jesus; but finding no way to bring him in, because of the crowd, they went up on the roof and let him down with his bed through the tiles into the midst before Jesus. 

And when he saw their faith he said, "Man, your sins are forgiven you." ... 

Which is easier, to say, 'Your sins are forgiven you,' or to say, 'Rise and walk? But that you may know that the Son of man has authority on earth to forgive sins"--he said to the man who was paralysed--"I say to you, rise, take up your bed and go home."

 And immediately he rose before them, and took up that on which he lay, and went home."

Those were real friends! Because friends don't give up. We don't know if the paralytic had asked them to bring him to Jesus, but we know how determined they were to place their paralysed friend before the only Person Who could help him. When they arrived it was impossible to approach Jesus because of the crowd. 

A 'prudent' person would have suggested waiting until the Master had finished His preaching, or even to come at some other time or try 'tomorrow'...

Tomorrow?! Those friends wanted to bring the paralytic to Jesus today, and were not ready to quit. So if the door or windows couldn't be used... THE ROOF! I don't think the paralytic was very enthusiastic about the idea: to allow yourself to be lowered through the roof by ropes sounds a bit frightening. But his friends were determined and he trusted them.

Some nuns working in a Hospital for the poor and outcast once asked St Josemaria to help a man who was dying and didn't want to go to confession.

 'I'll die', the man said, 'but I won't confess. When I was 17 I swore I'd never go to confession, and I've kept my promise'. 

After 15 minutes the man was crying, confessing his sins to the holy priest. 

The nun who told the story wrote: "I don't remember any single case in which he failed to hear the confession of a dying person". 

How did he manage? 

Someone who knew him well said: 'with affection, lots of prayer... and never, ever giving up on souls, because he loved them'.


Health of the Sick,

 may I be like the friends of the paralytic and never give up helping people go to Confession.


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