Monday, September 19, 2016

RenHar. 19 September 2016. IMAN adalah cahaya pelita yang menuntun langkah kita.

IMAN bukanlah cahaya yang mengusir semua kegelapan kita,
  melainkan pelita yang menuntun langkah kita di malam hari dan memadai untuk perjalanan.

*Paus Fransiskus*


Mutiara Iman.

19 September 2016.

"..supaya semua orang yang masuk ke dalam rumah dapat melihat cahayanya" 
(Luk 8:16)

Ams 3:27-34; Mzm 15:2-3ab, 3Cd-4ab, 5; Luk 8:16-18.

Suatu pagi, ketika pulang dari pasar, di tengah jalan Edi bertemu seorang pemuda yang pucat pasi dan terlihat habis minum minuman keras. Pemuda itu meminta tolong Edi mengantarnya. Lalu Edi pun mengantarkan ke tempat tinggal nya.

Setelah tiba pemuda itu membuatkan teh manis dan menyuguhkannya untuk Edi. 
Setelah lega, merekapun mengobrol dan Toni menceritakan begitu gelapnya kehidupannya.

"Mas.. Saya sampai tidak tahu apa yang telah saya lakukan. Seperti masuk ke dalam lubang yang gelap gulita" kata Toni.

Lalu Edi pergi ke meja dan mengambil Kitab Suci dan berkata :
"Toni, cobalah untuk mulai membaca KS ini. Maka hatimu akan mulai bercahaya. Engkau akan mulai mengenal mana yang baik dan mana yang tidak boleh kamu lalukan."

Seminggu kemudian, Toni mengundang Edi makan di rumahnya. Ketika masuk, Edi melihat rumah yang lebih bersih, penuh cahaya lampu dan Toni berkata :
"Dua hari lalu, saya keluar dari perkerjaan. Dan mulai besok Senin, saya menjadi supir Uber. Saya percaya ini adalah cahaya yang Tuhan berikan melalui sabda-Nya."

Yesus berkata :
"....tetapi ia menempatkannya di atas kaki dian, supaya semua orang yang masuk ke dalam rumah dapat melihat cahayanya."

Sabda Allah adalah cahaya lilin di tengah kegelapan dunia.

Ya Tuhan, Sabda-Mu adalah terang dan kehidupan kami. Amin.

Marilah kita melakukan karya kerahiman dengan menjadi cahaya bagi sesama.

Have a Blessed Monday


St Januarius, Bishop and Martyr.
Monday 19th September.
Luke 8:16-18.

"No one after lighting a lamp covers it with a vessel, or puts it under a bed, but puts it on a stand, that those who enter may see the light. 

For nothing is hid that shall not be made manifest, nor anything secret that shall not be known and come to light.

Take heed then how you hear; for to him who has will more be given, and from him who has not, even what he thinks that he has will be taken away."

When we bring light to a room that has been dimly lit for a while, we discover dust and cobwebs that have been accumulating there.

Some people living in that room would not like to know that they have been inhabiting such a room, but that doesn't change the truth: the dust and cobwebs are real. 

St John Paul II wrote an encyclical called 'The Splendour of the Truth' , because when truth shines it gives light. When we share the Truth of the Gospel we are giving light. "I am the Truth", said Jesus. 
And the brightness of this Truth can't be hidden. 

Someone defined the truth as a lion. A lion doesn't need to be defended. It just needs to be unleashed. It can defend itself.

There is an 'urban legend' about the encounter of a battleship with another vessel. 

This is the transcription of the radio conversation... 

Battleship: Please divert your course 15 degrees to the North to avoid a collision. 

Voice from the other side: I recommend you divert your course 15 degrees to the South to avoid a collision. 

Battleship: This is the Captain of an aircraft carrier. I repeat, divert your course.

Voice: Hi, Captain, this is Frank. I repeat, you divert your course. 

Battleship: This is the Captain. We are accompanied by three destroyers, three cruisers and numerous support vessels. I demand that you change your course, or countermeasures will be undertaken to ensure the safety of this ship.

Voice: Well Captain. I'm here alone with my dog... but this is a lighthouse. 

Your call.
Truth gives light, like the lighthouse. 
And it stands firm, founded on solid ground: God Himself. 

Like the sun, it can't be hidden. 
It can't be put out. 
It can't be shaken. 
It prevails. 
The splendour of the Truth of God gives light to every soul.
  Christians give light wherever they are.

Mary, Lady of Light, help me to share this Light with those around me.


Commentary of the day : 

Saint Chromatius of Aquilaea (?-407), Bishop 
Homilies on Saint Matthew's gospel, no. 5, 1.3-4 ; CCL 9,405 (trans. breviary for June 11) 

Set up the lamp on the lampstand

Our Lord called his disciples "the light of the world" (Mt 5:14) because they have been enlightened by the one who is the true and eternal light (Jn 1:9) and so themselves have become light in the darkness. 

Since he is himself "the Sun of justice" (Mal 3:20), it is not without reason that he also calls his disciples "the light of the world". 
He has spread the light of his knowledge throughout the world through them as through rays of light… 

We, too, have been enlightened by them, and from being darkness we have become light, as the apostle Paul says:
"For once you were darkness but now you are light in the Lord: walk as children of light" (Eph 3:8). 

And again: "You are not sons of night nor of darkness but you are sons of light and of the day" (1Thes 5:5). 
And in his epistle Saint John rightly states:
"God is light" (1:5) and 
"whoever remains in God is in the light" (1:7)…
Because we have the good fortune to be freed form the darkness of error, we should always walk in the light like sons of the light. And so the apostle Paul says:
"Among them you shine as lights in the world, holding fast the word of life" (Phil 2:15)… 

Therefore that shining lamp that has been lit for our salvation must always shine in us… We must not hide this lamp of the Law and of faith but should always set it up in the Church as on a lampstand for the salvation of many. 

In this way we, too, may enjoy the light of truth itself and all who believe may be enlightened.


Tips of the day: 
day 1469.

Kejahatan terjadi bukan hanya karena ada niat, tetapi juga karena ada kesempatan.

  Ada kesempatan, tetapi tidak ada niat maka tidak akan terjadi kejahatan.
  Itu sebabnya di banyak tempat ada orang-orang khusus yang bertugas menjaga, mengawasi agar orang yang berencana melakukan kejahatan menjadi urung.

Tuhan juga melihat dan mengawasi segala perilaku manusia, namun pada kenyataannya orang masih melakukan hal yang jahat. 
  Mereka lupa bahwa walau Tuhan mungkin tidak segera menghukum, kejahatan akan menyimpan benih kehancuran bagi dirinya sendiri.

Kesadaran akan kehadiran Tuhan yang maha melihat seharusnya membuat kita membatalkan rancangan kejahatan kita. 

  "Karena segala jalan orang terbuka di depan mata TUHAN, dan segala langkah orang diawasi-Nya." 
(Amsal 5:21).

Selamat pagi sahabat, 
  have a blessed day!

Suatu kali ada orang bertanya kepada seorang ibu yang suka berdoa. 

"Apa yang Ibu dapat dengan berdoa secara teratur kepada Tuhan?"

Si ibu menjawab : 
"Tidak ada yang saya dapat,  malah saya banyak kehilangan". 

Tetapi saya akan beritahu Anda apa-apa saja yang hilang itu.. 

Ternyata yang hilang :  
ketakutan akan kematian,
Dan kebencian.

Kadangkala jawaban untuk doa kita bukan
"apa yang kita dapat", tapi justru 
"apa yang hilang" dari kehidupan kita...


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