Saturday, August 27, 2016

BELAS kasih lalu tindakan.

BELAS kasih tanpa tindakan,
  hanya merupakan pengamatan belaka. 


Sabtu 27 - 08 - 16.

1 Kor1 :26-31.   
Luk 7 :11-17.

Di gerbang kota Nain, Kristus n murid2Nya bertemu dg rombongan org yg sdg mengusung jenasah seorg anak laki, anak tunggal ibunya yg sdh menjanda.

Kristus dpt melihat kesedihan yg sngt mendalam dr ibu itu krn bg masyarakat Yahudi saat itu, hdp seorg wnt sngt bergantung kepd laki2.
Kalau suaminya sdh meninggal, hdpnya akan tgt dr anak laki2nya.

Kristus tergerak oleh belas kasihan krn sngt mgkn Dia teringat, kesedihan yg sama sebentar lg akan dialami oleh ibuNya, pd saat Dia menyerahkan nyawa untk menebus dosa manusia.
Krn itu dia menghampiri janda yg sdg amat berduka itu n menghiburnya.

Kmdn Dia memerintahkan jenasah anak laki itu untk bangkit n ternyata dia dpt bangun n kmdn mulai ber cakap2.
Org bnyk yg ada disitu ter cengang2 n mrk langsung teringat bgmn di Sarfat  nabi Elia yg sngt mrk hormati membangkitkan anak laki2, anak tunggal seorg janda (1 Raj 17:17-24).

'Seorg nabi besar tlh hadir ditengah kita'.

Ttp yg dilakukn Kristus lbh dahsyat dr Elia, krn Kristus membangkitkan anak laki2 itu dg kuasaNya sendiri.

Dg kejadian itu ratap tangis, keputus asaan dlm sekejap diubah Kristus menjadi suasana pnh kegembiraan n syukur kepd Tuhan.

Paulus mengingatkan, org2 yg dipanggil Allah untk menjadi hamba2Nya, untk menjadi pemimpin n gembala umat, tdk bnyk yg berasal dr kalangan org2 yg berpengaruh n kaya.
Namun Tuhan tlh memilih org yg dianggap bodoh / lemah oleh  dunia untk mempermalukan mrk yg (menganggap diri) pandai/ bijaksana.

Dg dmkn kita semua akan tahu bhw tdk ada yg mustahil bg Allah n sgl kemampuan / kepandaian yg kita miliki tdk ada apa2nya dibanding kuasaNya.

Seorg janda yg sdg sngt berputus asa, dg anak tunggalnya yg terbujur kaku krn menjadi mayat, dipakai Kristus untk menunjukkan kemuliaanNya, agar bnyk org tahu Dia lah Mesias yg tlh ber abad2 dinubuatkan para nabi, shg mrk semua mau percaya akan ajaran2Nya.

Dmkn jg Allah dpt memakai kita untk memperlihatkan kuasaNya, bkn hanya dg prestasi2 kita saja ttp jg melalui 'kelemahan2' kita.

Ketika  diperlakukan tdk adil ttp kita mau mengampuni, ketika dihina ttp kita tetap mau mengasihi, ketika kita berada dlm situasi yg sulit ttp tetap mau bersyukur kepd Allah dlsb, dlm hal inilah kita membiarkan diri dipakai Allah, bkn dg kelebihan2 kita ttp dg iman n ketaatan.

biarkanlah diri kita sepenuhnya dipakai Allah.
Didlm kesuksesan maupun kegagalan, didlm kegembiraan maupun kesedihan,   tunjukkan bhw kita adlh murid n sahabat Kristus sejati, shg dlm segalanya Allah blh dimuliakan melalui diri kita.

Gbu all n hv a blessed week end.


Saturday 27th August.
St Monica.

Matthew 25:14-30.

"A man going on a journey called his servants and entrusted to them his property; to one he gave five talents, to another two, to another one, to each according to his ability. ...
But he who had received the one talent came forward, saying,
'Master, I knew you to be a hard man, reaping where you did not sow, and gathering where you did not winnow; so I was afraid, and I went and hid your talent in the ground. Here you have what is yours.'"

The man who received one talent "was afraid", and thus, he did nothing.
He was afraid to risk and lose.
Fear paralyses people.

What really offended the master of the parable wasn't that he didn't get more talents, but that he didn't even try!
God is a Father.
No father or mother on earth could ever be disappointed if they saw their children trying their best.

All that God asks His children is to try hard. God will help us provided that we try our best.

Wishing to encourage her young son's progress on the piano, a mother took her boy to a Paderewski concert.

After they were seated, the mother spotted an old friend in the audience and walked down the aisle to greet her. Seizing the opportunity, the little boy decided to explore the concert hall.
He went through a door marked 'No Admittance', found a piano and started practising there. When the mother returned to her seat, the child was missing.
As the curtains parted and the spotlights focused on the stage, she saw in horror her child sitting at the keyboard, innocently picking out "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star." Suddenly, the great piano master made his entrance, quickly moved to the piano, and whispered in the boy's ear,
"Don't stop. That's it. Keep it up. Give me your best."

Then leaning over, Paderewski reached down with his left hand and began a melodic bass part. Soon his right arm reached around to the other side of the child, adding a running obbligato.

Together, the old master and the child transformed what could have been an embarrassing situation into a wonderful symphony.

That's what Our Father God does with our efforts. We just need to keep playing the best we can, without giving up, and He transforms our e orts into a masterpiece.
There is no fear.
We can't disappoint Our Father if we try our best.

Our Lady will encourage us to try to give our best, however little it seems to be.

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