Saturday, May 21, 2016

Lima Renhar 21 Mei 2016.

Belajar Dari  Anak Kecil.

SEBAGAI orang dewasa,
  kerap kita merasa diri yang paling tahu dan paling benar  
   sehingga memandang rendah anak-anak.

Banyak orang tua yang melarang anaknya ke gereja
  dengan alasan mereka masih kecil dan hanya akan merepotkan saja.

Namun Yesus justru menggunakan mereka sebagai model dari orang-orang yang memperoleh kerajaan surga.

Kita diundang untuk belajar dari anak-anak,
  menjadi pribadi yang:

* Percaya tanpa syarat kepada Tuhan
* Menggantungkan seluruh hidup kita kepada Tuhan
* Menyambut kehadiranNya dengan hati terbuka, penuh syukur dan sukacita

Mari ubah dan benahi diri;
  semoga lewat sikap kita yang baru,
  kita dapat menghantar banyak orang untuk semakin dekat kepadaNya. 

Renungan Harian :


 Sabtu Biasa7.


Silahkan download, pilih salah 1 dari link di bawah ini:

  - Link 1 :

  - Link 2 :

  - Link 3 :

  - Link 4  :!707&authkey=!AAbTyYRJuDlxKWs&ithint=file%2camr

  - Link 5  :


Mutiara Iman

21 Mei 2016

"Biarkan anak-anak itu datang kepada-Ku.." (Mrk 10:14)

Yak 5:13-20; Mzm 141:1-2,3,8; Mrk 10:13-16

Di suatu pesta Natal yang diadakan di lapangan yang luas, begitu banyak umat yang datang, sampai dibedakan antara tamu undangan dan yang bukan undangan. Di bagian belakang banyak yang tidak mendapat kursi, sehingga mereka yang kebanyakan adalah orang miskin, anak-anak dan yang sakit membawa tikar atau koran untuk duduk di lantai. Ketika Pastor tiba dan melihat begitu banyak orang yang duduk di lantai di belakang, ia membisikan sesuatu kepada panitia. Lalu beberapa orang pergi ke belakang menuju sebuah meja yang lusuh, lalu menutupinya dengan taplak putih dan menjadikannya altar. Hal ini membuat para tamu undangan tercengang, karena mereka berbalik menjadi umat yang duduk paling belakang, sementara umat yang duduk di tikar mendapat posisi depan. Lalu mereka yang duduk di depan memuji Tuhan sambil bernyanyi Aleluia.

Yesus berkata kepada murid-murid-Nya: "Biarkan anak-anak itu datang kepada-Ku, jangan menghalang-halangi mereka, sebab orang-orang yang seperti itulah yang empunya Kerajaan Allah."

Dalam kekecilanlah orang dapat melihat besarnya Kerajaan Allah.

Ya Tuhanku dan Allahku. Amin

Marilah kita melakukan karya kerahiman dengan mendorong anak-anak semakin dekat kepada Tuhan.
Have a Blessed Saturday.


Mark 10:13-16
Saturday 21st May
And they were bringing children to him, that he might touch them; and the disciples rebuked them. But when Jesus saw it he was indignant, and said to them, "Let the children come to me, do not hinder them; for to such belongs the kingdom of God. Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it." And he took them in his arms and blessed them, laying his hands upon them.
We don't  find in the Gospels a detailed description of Jesus as we read in modern biographies. In the old days people wrote about the deeds and words of ancient figures and left aside physical and psychological details about the person. Nevertheless, we find interesting words in the Gospels that give us a glimpse of how He was. Jesus loved children, their games and songs, their running around, their chatter and constant enjoyment. Children can be a nuisance sometimes. For Jesus, though, it was a joy to be surrounded by children, to kiss them and hug them. But it is also a fact that children loved Jesus. Little kids are not easily attracted by grown-ups. But they felt confident with Jesus because He was a lovable Man.
A  five-minute documentary about St John Paul II and children (, explains his relationship with the little ones. It opens with the question: "Six years have passed. And we are still wondering why we loved him so much" As images pass through the screen we are reminded of his 'popularity' among children, his affection, his smile, his warmth. At the end children give the answer to the opening question: "We loved him because he was like us. But especially because... he was like Christ."
Children loved Jesus because He was like them. He was cheerful. He told funny stories (like the guy with the plank in his eye...); He didn't hesitate to play their games, sing their songs or tell them stories. And He asked His disciples to be like them. We need to learn a lot from children: their cheerfulness, their trust, their lack of personal concerns. They easily forget their wounds and offences and can laugh ten seconds after crying. They don't need much: they can enjoy themselves with a twig.

Mary, my Mother, help us to be like children, to be like your Son.


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