IRI hati adalah
seni menghitung berkat orang lain
bukannya menghitung berkat diri sendiri.
*Harold Coffin*
Senin 23 Januari"17.
Hari Biasa III.
Injil Markus 3:25, menulis.
Yesus berkata: "Jika suatu rumah tangga terpecah-pecah, rumah tangga itu tidak dapat bertahan."
Sikap Yesus yang memiliki kasih yang tulus inilah yang diperjuangkan oleh semua orang yang mengikutiNya dan menamakan diri sebagai orang kristiani. Ada banyak tuduhan dan ladang fitnah yang diberikan kepada pengikut Kristus, sampai ada yang dibunuh.
Namun demikian, setiap orang kristen tidak pernah takut dalam membela kebenaran dan mewartakan kasih. Semua itu dilakukan demi kebaikan dan keselamatan banyak orang.
Zaman sekarang ini, kadang kita seperti domba ditengah srigala yang siap menerkam. Namun kita tidak perlu takut dan menyerah.
Mungkin anda termasuk orang yang mengalami ketidak adilan.
Jangan mundur, karena Tuhan Yesus berada dipihak anda. Walaupun anda menderita, namun Yesus menjanjikan kebahagiaan abadi.
Tuhan Yesus, buatlah aku selalu setia kepadaMu dan selalu menyatukan diri dengan Dikau sendiri. Amin.
Bacaan :9:15.24-28 Mzm 98: 1-6 Markus 3:22-30.
Monday, 23rd JANUARY
St Vincent, Martyr. Day 6 of the Unity Octave
Mark 3:22-30
Jesus said to the scribes,
"Truly, I say to you, all sins will be forgiven the sons of men, and whatever blasphemies they utter; but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is guilty of an eternal sin"- for they had said, "He has an unclean spirit."
'How is it that blasphemy against the Holy Spirit can't be forgiven?'
Christians have been told innumerable times that all sins can be forgiven. And now we read that, actually, there is one that can't be forgiven!
In the past, some have even tried to use this passage to deny the existence of the Christian God: 'If God is Almighty He certainly can forgive all sins. If God can't forgive a sin...He is not Almighty'. It is another formula of the classic argument: 'If God is Almighty...can He create a rock so heavy that He can't lift it?'
Leaving aside the fact that the sentence is a silly paradox, we could say that, in fact, God 'has actually created that rock'. It is called "freedom". God has made us free. He has paid for our freedom with all the Blood of Jesus. So, if a man decides to reject forgiveness, the Almighty God can't change the man's mind. That's the catch.
An aspirin can relieve a headache, but only if you take it! Contemplating the box of aspirins, holding one in your hand or sticking one with adhesive tape to your forehead will not relieve the pain. That is not because the aspirin is faulty, but because your wit is faulty. It would be stupid to complain that a doctor is unable to cure your illness if you have never actually allowed him to touch you, talk to you or even if he has never seen you!
In the same way God can forgive any long as we repent and ask for forgiveness. Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit has been called, ever since St Augustine's times, the final impenitence, the lack of repentance. They are like someone with a strong migraine who stubbornly refuses to take their medicine and prefers to live (and even die) in pain. That's the situation of a sinner who stubbornly rejects God's forgiveness and prefers to live (and even die) in the misery of their sins.
Let's pray, through the intercession of Our Lady, Mother of Mercy, for the conversion of those sinners who stubbornly reject God's Mercy.
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