*⭕Mutiara Iman*
27 Juli 2016.
_"Setelah ditemukannya mutiara yang sangat berharga, iapun pergi menjual seluruh miliknya lalu membeli mutiara itu"_
(Mat 13:46)
Yer 15:10,16-21; Mzm 59:2-3,4-5a, 10-11, 17-18; Mat 13:44-46.
Rudi adalah seorang pengusaha yang sangat kaya. Ia memiliki seorang anak perempuan bernama Sinta yang sudah cukup lama menderita sakit yang cukup serius sehingga harus dicuci darah setiap minggu, dan tidak bisa berbicara.
Setelah Sinta berusia 16 tahun, sang ayah sangat bersedih melihat penderitaan anaknya, lalu ia berkata kepada salah 1 direkturnya :
"Pak Richard, kalau ada siapapun yang bisa menyembuhkan anak saya, apapun akan saya berikan termasuk seluruh harta saya."
Richard berkata :
"Cobalah bapak pergi ke gereja St Fransiskus, berdoalah di sana, dan berbicaralah dengan Pastor Josep."
Keesokan harinya Rudi dan Sinta pergi ke gereja yang berjarak sekitar 4 jam dari rumahnya. Mereka berdoa, dan setelah berdiskusi, Rudi mengijinkan Sinta tinggal di susteran.
Selama 40 hari Rudi pergi misa setiap hari dan kemudian menjenguk Sinta.
Suatu hari ketika sampai, ia melihat anaknya sedang berbicara dengan lancar. Pastor Josep mendekati mereka dan berkata :
"Tuhan mengasihi Sinta.
Suster Klara sangat tekun berdoa dengannya."
Lalu Sinta mendekati ayahnya dan berkata :
_"Papa, Sinta ingin tinggal di sini, dan saya mau menjadi suster."_
Sambil menangis Rudi menggaguk dan berkata kepada Pastor dan Suster :
"Tuhan telah menyembuhkan Sinta dan saya kembalikan Sinta kepada-Nya untuk melayani-Nya."
Yesus berkata :
"Setelah ditemukannya mutiara yang sangat berharga, iapun pergi menjual seluruh miliknya lalu membeli mutiara itu."
Kita akan meninggalkan semua yang kita miliki untuk mendapatkan kehidupan kekal.
Ya Tuhan, Engkaulah Sang Kebenaran dan Kehidupan.
_Marilah kita melakukan karya kerahiman dengan setia mencari yang memberikan kehidupan kekal._
*Have a Blessed Wednesday.*
Matthew 13:44-46 .
Wednesday 27th July.
"The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up; then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.
Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls, who, on finding one pearl of great value, went and sold all that he had and bought it."
Vocation is the treasure that Jesus talks about, the precious pearl. God has made us for a definite purpose. He has a mission for all of us. But the treasure is hidden and we have to find it. And the process of finding it takes time. It is like searching for Jesus in the dark of night among a crowd. Slowly the dawn brings a bit of light and we can distinguish better.
At some point we have a hunch: He is there. It has to be Him. But we are still not sure. The sun rises little by little and at some stage we start being sure: It's Him! Then, with the light of the sun, everything makes sense. Nothing has changed but everything has changed. The crowd is the same, Jesus was there all the time... but now I see Him.
Vocation is that: when everything makes sense at last. Have you ever seen the colonnade in Saint Peter's Square?
It consists of four series of columns which seem like a forest of trees planted there by chance. But there are two points, marked in the ground with a circle, from where everything makes sense. From there, the four series of columns seem to align themselves and become a single column. The alignment of those columns is a symbol of what vocation brings to our lives.
At first, everything is in confusion, until we find the 'spot' where everything that surrounds us falls into place. That spot is our vocation.
And that is why it is worthwhile to give everything to get it... because everything is 'nothing' without it.
Our Lord explains that the man, "in his joy ... goes and sells all that he has" to get it. And if we make that leap of faith, if we give everything in order to follow Him, we can say to Him:
'Here you are, Lord!
Everything that I am, everything that I have, everything that I can do... I put everything at Your Feet to become what You want me to be,
to go where You want me to go,
to do what You want me to do and fulfil my mission,
the one You thought up for me before the creation of the world'.
Mary, my Mother, make my prayer come true!
Tips of the day: day 1423.
Hanya di awal saja Musa takut dan menjawab "Ya" atas panggilan Tuhan. Begitu Tuhan memaparkan misi pembebasan umat Israel dari perbudakan Mesir yang akan dikerjakan olehnya, Musa langsung ciut.
Terjadi dialog panjang, Musa berdebat dan terus mengajukan keberatan. Tuhan terus menjelaskan dan memberi jaminan, tapi Musa berusaha melawan bahkan berani 'melawan' Tuhan dengan meminta Tuhan menyuruh orang lain.
Musa berani beragumen dengan Tuhan, Sang Pencipta Yang Mahakuasa, tapi takut menghadapi bangsa Israel dan Firaun.
Itulah yang sering terjadi, kita lebih takut manusia daripada Tuhan.
"Tetapi Musa berkata: "Ah, Tuhan, utuslah kiranya siapa saja yang patut Kauutus."" (Keluaran 4:13).
Selamat pagi sahabat, have a blessed day!
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