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Senin 28 - 03 - 16.
Kis. 2 : 14,22-32.
Mat 28 :8-15.
Peristiwa Kebangkitan Kristus dr alam maut adlh peristiwa yg sngt besar yg blm pernah terjadi seblmnya.
Bg para murid Kristus, peristiwa ini adlh sesuatu yg sngt melegakan n membuat mrk percaya bhw Yesus sungguh Mesias n Putera Allah.
Hal ini krn nabi2 besar mrk selama ini spt Musa n Elia,seklpn jenasah mrk tdk pernah ditemukan, ttp mrk tdk pernah menampakkan diri lg kepd umatNya setlh kematian mrk.
Ttp bg para imam kepala n org Farisi, berita ini sngt berbahaya.
Kalau semua org tahu apa yg terjadi di makam Kristus, niscaya mrkpun dpt menjadi percaya bhw Yesus mmg sungguh2 Mesias.
Kl sdh dmkn,mrk dpt sngt marah kepd para imam kepala yg tlh me rekayasa pembunuhan Mesias.
Krn itu mrk membungkam mulut para prajurit penjaga makam dg memberikan uang dlm jmlh besar n menjamin keamanan mrk.
Sbg manusia kita pasti pernah salah menduga seseorg.
Kita mgkn srg menilai dr penampilannya atau dr selera kita sendiri yg srg bnyk dipengaruhi oleh kedagingan atau oleh berita2 / gossip yg tlh didengar.
Apa yg kita lakukan kl bukti2 menunjukkan bhw kita tlh salah mengira ?
Mau mengubah pikiran n mengaku salah atau tetap bekeras dg pikiran semula dg 1001 alasan n pemaaf, spt para imam2 kepala?
Petrus melakukan kesalahan besar krn 3x menyangkal bhw dia murid Kristus disaat Kristus diadili n sdg berhadapan dg para saksi dusta.
Dia jg melakukan kesalahan krn mengira melalui penyaliban, Kristus tlh selesai sglnya shg dia n tmn2 nya bgt ketakutan, sedih, kecewa n putus asa.
Ttp ketika dia tahu Kristus tlh bangkit, dia bkn hanya sekedar bersyukur n gembira ttp jg bangkit dr sgl kesalahannya.
Setlh Roh Kudus turun atas dirinya, Petrus berubah total.
Dg sngt berani dia bersaksi dihadapan ribuan org yg sdg ber ziarah di Yerusalem.
Dg cerdas, Petrus mengambil perbandingan antara Daud dg Kristus.
Daud adlh bapa bangsa Israel n sorg nabi yg syair puji2annya msh terus dibaca n dikidungkan se lama2nya.
Ttp mskpn dmkn agung, setlh kematiannya, makam Duad msh ada ditengah mrk, dg pengertian jenasahnya jg msh ada mskpn perlahan ttp pasti sdh mulai rusak n mengalami pembusukan.
Lain halnya dg Kristus yg setlh 3 hari dimakamkan, Dia bangkit.
Dg dmkn Kristus jg menjadi peng genap an janji Allah kepd Daud, bhw keturunannya akan berkuasa sepanjang masa.
Mel kesaksiannya ini Petrus mau mengatakan bhw kl mrk sngt menghormati Daud, sehrmya mrk lbh lg menghormati Yesus Kristus yg jauh lbh besar dr Daud.
Sampai saat inipun bnyk org yg blm mampu sungguh2 memahami makna kebangkitan Kristus yg kini dinamakan Paskah.
Hampir semua org msh merasa peristiwa kelahiran Kristus lbh besar dr kebangkitanNya dr alam maut.
Pdhl yg menyelamatkan kita sbnrnya bknlah kelahiran Kristus ttp kebangkitanNya.
Setlh 40 hari kita diajak berada dlm masa pra Paskah, tlh berdoa n berpuasa, kebangkitan dr apa yg kita alami saat ini?
Apa yg hrs kita rubah dlm hdp saat ini, spy pd saat Bapa memanggil, kita blh dilayakkan bersatu dg Kristus didalam keabadian?
Apakah kebangkitan Kristus hanya menjadi suatu tradisi Injil saja ataukah kitapun mau bangkit dr sgl kelemahan, kekurangan n kelalaian yg srg kita lakukan?
Kristus tlh bangkit. Petrus bangkit dr keterpurukan iman n menjadi pengganti Kristus yg luar biasa. Smg kitapun mau bangkit dr sgl yg buruk dihadapan Tuhan.
Gbu all
n hv a blessed Monday.
Mt 28:8-15 Monday 28th March
Easter Monday.
So the women departed quickly from the tomb with fear and great joy, and ran to tell his disciples.
And behold, Jesus met them and said, "Hail!"
And they came up and took hold of his feet and worshipped him.
Then Jesus said to them,
"Do not be afraid;
go and tell my brethren to go to Galilee,
and there they will see me."
They say that the sentence:
"Do not be afraid!"
can be found in the Bible more than 300 times.
Good teachers always repeat the message that they want to get across. And You, Lord, said it many times to Your disciples.
So many times that they never forgot the tone of Your voice saying:
"Do not be afraid!"
But what could Mary Magdalene be afraid of now?!
Probably she had one single fear:
the fear of losing Jesus again.
Have you ever found in a crowd a little child crying because he or she couldn't find Mum?
You saw the mother looking for the child nearby and said to the child:
'Look, there she is!'
and the tearful child rushed off towards her.
Children of God should never be afraid of anything.
The disciples were afraid because they had lost Jesus on Good Friday.
Their hopes were over;
their discouragement stopped them moving forward:
fear paralyses.
It happens to Christians when, like the little child, they don't feel Jesus' close presence, when they move away from Him by their sins.
My God, may I never be afraid of anything, except losing You, by sin.
And if that happens again - for I know very well how weak I am - I beg You to come and search me out as You did these holy women and Your frightened Apostles.
O my Jesus, if ever You see me in distress or in the middle of temptation, come and let me hear Your voice again:
"Do not be afraid".
"I plead with you – never, ever give up on hope, never doubt, never tire, and never become discouraged.
Do not be afraid ...
Do not be afraid to become the saints of the new millennium!"
(St John Paul II).
"Today I say to you, dear young people:
Do not be afraid of Christ!
He takes nothing away, and he gives you everything"
(Pope Benedict XVI).
My Mother,
stay close to this little child of yours that I am.
Then I will fear nothing.
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