Friday, January 20, 2017

RenHar. 20 Janauari 2017. KEPEMIMPINAN yang saleh.


  bukanlah tentang pencapaian suatu pengakuan atau kemuliaan;

  namun tentang melayani orang lain.

*John M. Perkins*


Mutiara Iman


20 Januari 2017

_"..dan menuliskannya dalam hati mereka.."_ (Ibr 8:10)

Ibr 8:6-13; Mzm 85:8,10-11,13-14; Mrk 3:13-19

Setelah pulang sekolah, Sulis dan Gandi masuk ke Indahmart. Setelah membeli yang diperlukan Sulis membayar ke kasir dan mereka pun berjalan keluar.

Melihat Gandi yang terus terdiam, Sulis berkata :
"Gan, ini permen buat kamu. Kok diam terus dari tadi?"

Gandi tetap diam saja, lalu kemudian berkata :
"Sul kita balik lagi yuk!"

"Kenapa?" tanya Sulis.

"Saya mengambil Susu di tempat tadi. Dan hati saya tidak enak terus, merasa berdosa!"

Mendengar itu, Sulis tertawa dan berkata :
"Untung kamu yang memimpin doa sebelum pulang. Artinya Tuhan sudah tinggal di hati dan pikiranmu sehingga kamu merasa bersalah karena perbuatanmu. Semoga lain kali juga kamu jangan mengulanginya. Kalau tidak ada uang, kamu bisa bicara denganku, dan jangan mencuri barang yang bukan milik kita!"
Akhirnya merekapun kembali ke toko tadi untuk mengembalikannya.

Aku akan menaruh hukum-Ku dalam akal budi mereka dan menuliskannya dalam hati mereka, maka Aku akan menjadi Allah mereka dan mereka akan menjadi umat-Ku.

Pikiran dan hati kita penuh akan hukum-hukum Allah yaitu kasih.

Ya Tuhan, mampukan kami hidup dengan hati dan pikiran yang berasal dari-Mu. 


_Marilah kita menggunakan akal budi dan hati kita dalam hidup sebagai umat Allah._

*Have a Blessed Friday*


Bacaan Injil 20-01-2017

Ibr.8 : 6-13
Mrk.3 : 13-19

Yesus menetapkan kedua belas muridNya u/menyertai Dia agar mrk dpt memberitakan Injil & u/menerima dr Dia kuasa mengusir setan, Yesus tdk berkarya sendirian. 

Saat ini kitapun dipanggil u/melayani Dia dlm pemberitaan Injil maupun pengajaran Marilah kita membuka hati agar senantiasa dpt bekerja sama dg Allah yg Maha Rahim.

Amin... Gbu


Friday, 20th JANUARY
St Fabian and St Sebastian, Martyrs. Day 3 of the Unity Octave

Mark 3:13-19

And he went up on the mountain, and called to him those whom he desired; and they came to him. And he appointed twelve, to be with him, and to be sent out to preach and have authority to cast out demons:

 Simon whom he surnamed Peter; 

  James the son of Zebedee 

  and John the brother of James, whom he surnamed Boanerges, that is, sons of thunder; 


 and Philip,

 and Bartholomew,

 and Matthew,

 and Thomas,

 and James the son of Alphaeus,

 and Thaddaeus,

 and Simon the Cananaean,

 and Judas Iscariot, who betrayed him.

"He called to Him those He desired" for no other reason than that: He just wanted those and no others. This wasn't like 'The Voice' or 'X-Factor' where the winner is the most talented. Jesus didn't choose the best or the most charming, those who had more friends, more knowledge or a better position... He just chose those He wanted; because He felt like it. St Paul explained it to the Corinthians: "consider your call, brethren; not many of you were wise according to worldly standards, not many were powerful, not many were of noble birth; but God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise, God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong".

God has a certain inclination to choose very 'low profile' instruments. 

Did you know, for instance, that Moses stuttered?

 And yet, among the thousands of Israelites that God could choose to negotiate with the Pharaoh, He wanted the stammerer! 

The biographies of many saints paint a similar picture. St Bernadette and St John Vianney are known for their learning difficulties.

 An online biography of St. Joseph of Cupertino (1603-1668) reads: "he was an Italian mystic whose life is a wonderful combination of a complete lack of natural capacity and an extraordinary supernatural efficiency. He lacked every natural gift. He was incapable of passing a test, maintaining a conversation, taking care of a house, or even touching a dish without breaking it. He was called Brother Ass by his companions in the monastery." Wow! What a description! Yet by the end of his life his reputation for holiness was widespread and crowds would come to attend his Mass. The lesson is clear: God doesn't choose the best. He chooses those He wants. 

Mary, my Mother, may I learn to be a faithful instrument of God for whatever He has chosen me to do.


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