Thursday, September 29, 2016


malaikat menjadi iblis;
  kerendahan hati menjadikan
   manusia bagai malaikat.

*St. Agustinus*


⭕Mutiara Iman


29 September 2016

_"Sesungguhnya engkau akan melihat langit terbuka dan malaikat-malaikat Allah turun naik kepada Anak Manusia"_
(Yoh 1:51)

Dan 7:9-10,13-14 atau Why 12:7-12a; Mzm 138:1-2a, 2bc-3, 4-5; Yoh 1:47-51

Seorang ibu bernama Yasinta diminta anaknya mengikuti ziarah ke Eropa, walaupun ia bukan seorang Kristiani. Ketika ia diantar ke airport oleh anaknya, wajah Yasinta terlihat kurang bahagia. 

Tiga belas hari kemudian, Wulan anaknya pergi ke bandara cepat-cepat untuk menjemput karena kuatir ibunya tidak bahagia. Tetapi ketika Yasinta dan rombongannya keluar dari bandara, mereka sedang ngobrol, di mana salah satu peserta berkata kepada Wulan:"Wulan, ajak ibu kamu ke Gereja, ia mau dibaptis". Wulan hanya tersenyum mendengar ibu itu berbicara. 

Setelah ia bertemu dengan ibunya, Yasinta berkata:"Wulan, Tuhan mengirimkan malaikat melalui kamu. Mama melihat peserta jiarah orang baik, suster dan pastur di Eropa juga sangat ramah. Tidak pernah Mama mengalami kasih yang luar biasa. Nanti Mama mau belajar agama Katolik ya. Mau mengenal Yesus dan Bunda Maria serta Malaikat-malaikat Allah".

Yesus berkata kepada Nathanael:"Sesungguhnya engkau akan melihat langit terbuka dan malaikat-malaikat Allah turun naik kepada Anak Manusia"

Ketika kita berbuat kasih, orang percaya kita adalah malaikat Allah.

Ya Tuhan, tambahkanlah iman kami. Amin

_Marilah kita melakukan karya kerahiman dengan menjadi malaikat bagi sesama._

*Have a Blessed Thursday.*



 Kamis 29 - 09 - 16.

Dan 7 : 9-10, 13-14.    

Yoh 1 : 47-51.

Natanael adlh seorg ahli Taurat yg biasa mengajar umat dibawah pohon ara yg rindang. Filipus mengajaknya bertemu dg Kristus. Semula dia ragu krn merasa tdk ada gunanya, ttp kmdn dia mengikuti Filipus untk bertemu Kristus.

Natanael terkejut ketika Kristus langsung mengenali dia n tahu apa yg telah dikerjakannya.

Dia serta merta mengakui bhw Yesus adlh Mesias. Ttp Kristus mengatakan bhw dia akan melihat lbh bnyak lg hal2 yg lbh dahsyat dr karya2 Nya.

Natanael akan melihat kemuliaan Allah yg Maha Dahsyat didlm diri Kristus krn Dia sungguh Putera Allah. 

Didlm diriNya Allah dan manusia menjadi satu secara sempurna spt langit n bumi yg menjadi satu krn adanya para malaekat yg naik turun untk melayani.

Apa yg dikatakan Kristus kepd Natanael merupakan penggenapan atas nubuat yg disampaikan Daniel atas penglihatannya: tampak dtg dg awan2 dr langit seorg spt anak manusia.

Datanglah Ia kepd Yg Lanjut Usia itu n Ialu dibawa kehadapanNya. 

Lalu diberikan kepdnya kekuasaan n kemuliaan n kekuasaan sbg raja, maka org2 dr sgl bangsa, suku bangsa n bahasa mengabdi kepdnya. 

Kekuasaannya ialah kekuasaan kekal yg tdk akan lenyap n kerajaannya ialah kerajaan yg tdk akan musnah' 

(Dan 7;13-14)

Filipus digerakkan Allah menjadi spt malaekat yg menghantar Natanael berjumpa dg Kristus shg Natanel mengaalami peneguhan iman yg luar biasa. Dmkn jg setiap kita yg tlh mengenal Kristus dpt dipakai Allah untk menghantar org berjumpa dg Kristus.

Didlm kitab Tobit, malaekat Rafael menjelma menjadi manusia untk menghantar Tobia, anak Tobit  mengambil harta Tobit yg tersimpan disaudaranya. 

Didlm perjalanan Rafel melindungi, menemani n memberi petunjuk shg Tobia berhasil dlm tgsnya, bahkan dia jg membebaskan Sara dr kutukan iblis.

Tuhan sll mengutus malekat2Nya untk melindungi perjalanan hdp kita didunia ini, shg kita dimampukan untk menemukan harta yg terpendam, yaitu kebhagiaan n kedamaian sejati yg dijanjikan Klristus.

Dg bertekun didlm FirmanNya, mari kita slg meneguhkan n slg mengingatkan, shg kita smkn peka untk melihat Kristus dlm aktivitas kita se hari2 shg kita bkn hanya mendptkan harta terpendam bg diri sendiri ttp jg berfungsi menjadi spt para malaekat yg menghantar sebanyak mgkn org bertemu Kristus.

Gbu all n hv a blessed day.


Sts Michael, Gabriel and Raphael.

Thursday 29th September.
John 1:47-51.

Jesus said to Nathanael, "Because I said to you, I saw you under the fig tree, do you believe? You shall see greater things than these." 

And he said to him, "Truly, truly, I say to you, you will see heaven opened, and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of man."

Today we celebrate the feast of the three Archangels whose names we know. 

St Michael was the archangel who fought against Satan and all his evil angels, defending all the friends of God. He is a really powerful protector from the snares of the devil. 

St Gabriel announced to Zachariah the forthcoming birth of St John the Baptist, and to Our Lady, the birth of Jesus. We are very familiar with his greeting to Mary, "Hail, full of grace," and repeat it thousands of times. 

St Raphael took care of Tobias on his journey and especially protects young people who entrust themselves to him.

Many people have no experience of the power of the Angels and Archangels. If we knew how mighty they are and how willing to help us, we would ask them for their intercession many times during the day. 

Ask St Michael for his protection at the start of each day. The devil fears him. The devil himself told St John Marie Vianney that St Michael was protecting him at the door of his church. Rather than assault him, all the devil could do was to yell and insult him. 

St Padre Pio also recommended devotion to him. 

He said "You will need the help of St. Michael, living in this world." 

May we ask for protection from this powerful archangel very often; may St Michael protect all Christians and  fight with us in this battle against the enemy and so help us to get to Heaven.

Pope Leo XIII recommended Christians to pray this prayer every day:  St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle: be our defence against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray. 

And do you, O prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God thrust into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world for the ruin of souls. Amen.

Mary, Queen of Angels, remind me to have recourse to these three powerful Archangels, Michael, Gabriel and Raphael.


Sept. 29:


Bless the Lord, all you his angels, mighty in power, fulfilling his word, and heeding his voice!

Words which we pray in the Entrance Antiphon of today's Mass of the Feast of the three Archangels whom the entire Church venerates in its tradition.  

The Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches us that the  "existence of the spiritual, non-corporeal beings that Sacred Scripture usually calls 'angels' is a truth of faith. The witness of Scripture is as clear as the unanimity of Tradition. 

St. Augustine says: 'Angel' is the name of their office, not of their nature…With their whole beings the angels are servants and messengers of God. Because they 'always behold the face of my Father who is in heaven' they are the 'mighty ones who do his word, hearkening to the voice of his word

 (nn. 328-329).'"

• MICHAEL whose name in Hebrew means 'WHO IS LIKE GOD?' was the archangel who fought against Satan and all his evil angels. He is our protector against the devil.  He is also known as "the prince of the heavenly host" and is usually depicted as a strong warrior, dressed in armor and wearing sandals. His name appears in the Scripture four times, twice in the Book of Daniel, and once each in the Epistle of St. Jude and the Book of Revelation. 

From Revelation 12: 7-12 we learn of the battle in heaven, with St. Michael and his angels combatting Lucifer and the other fallen angels (or devils). 

We invoke St. Michael to help us in our fight against Satan; to rescue souls from Satan, especially at the hour of death; to be the champion of the Jews in the Old Testament and now Christians; and to bring souls to judgment.

• GABRIEL whose name means 'STRENGTH OF GOD' was sent to announce to Zachariah the coming birth of John the Baptist, and to Mary, the birth of Jesus. In the Old Testament, he was sent to Daniel to explain a vision concerning the Messiah.

• RAPHAEL whose name means 'MEDICINE OF GOD' is the archangel who took care of Tobias on his journey, as a healer and fellow traveler (cfr. Tobit 3:17; 12:15). 

Tradition also holds that Raphael is the angel that stirred the waters at the healing sheep pool in Bethesda.


Dear friends, God, as a palpable sign of His Love for us, sent us his servants and messengers, the Archangels and the Angels, to protect and help us in our daily struggles against the evil one in our path towards heaven. 

 St. Gregory the Great said: "Whenever something is to be done needing great power, Michael is sent forth so that from his action and from his name we can understand that no one can do what God can do."  

This is the reason why we should make it a habit to pray to St. Michael:

St Michael, Archangel, defend us in battle and be our safe guard against the wickedness and snares of the devil. 

May God rebuke him, we humbly pray. And do you 0 prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God thrust into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world for the ruin of souls. Amen (Prayer to St Michael).

Let us have recourse and devotion to the Archangels and Angels to help us make good use of our freedom, as they did, when they decided and chose God for eternity and with them, let us pray:

Lord, I want to serve you as well with my entire being and with all my life. 

I earnestly desire to make good use of my freedom: choosing what is good,  choosing You, obeying and loving You in every decision, choice and action that I make, because You are my God whom I love and adore!

(Opening prayer, Mass proper)



-Fr. Rolly Arjonillo, priest of Opus Dei.


Tips of the day: day 1478 .

Banyak orang gila kerja tapi lupa menikmati hasil kerjanya. Seharusnya kita bekerja bukan saja untuk meraih keberhasilan, tapi menikmati keberhasilan kita juga. Tuhanpun melakukan hal yang sama. Setiap selesai menciptakan, Tuhan melihat bahwa semuanya itu baik, Ia menikmati apa yang telah diciptakan-Nya.

Pastikan diri kita, keluarga dan bahkan orang lain menikmati hasil dari pekerjaan kita. Hidup bukan hanya soal mengejar, tapi juga menikmati apa yang sudah kita kejar.

Hidup memang harus seimbang. Tidak boleh pincang. Kalau pincang, hidup seindah apapun menjadi tidak nyaman.

"Setiap orang yang dikaruniai Allah kekayaan dan harta benda dan kuasa untuk menikmatinya, untuk menerima bahagiannya, dan untuk bersukacita dalam jerih payahnya--juga itupun karunia Allah." 

(Pengkhotbah 5:19).

Selamat pagi sahabat,

  have a blessed day!

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