Wednesday, August 24, 2016

RenHar.  Rabu, 24Agustus16. Mengubah Hidup.

*Perjumpaan Yang Mengubah Hidup*

PERJUMPAAN dan percakapan singkat dengan Yesus, meninggalkan kesan yang mendalam di hati Natanael.

Yesus yang baru pertama kali dijumpainya, ternyata telah mengenal pribadi Natanael dengan sangat mendalam.
Natanael mengagumiNya dan seketika itu juga sirnalah keraguannya.
Ia telah menemukan Yesus, Sang Putra Allah, yang mengubah jalan hidupnya.

Dengan setia,  Natanael mewartakan kabar keselamatan sampai akhir hayatnya.

Bila selama ini kita hanya sekedar mengagumi pribadi Yesus, namun tidak tergerak untuk mengenalNya secara lebih mendalam; maka lewat Injil hari ini, Yesus mengundang kita untuk mengubah sikap:

* Luangkan waktu untuk membuka Kitab Suci; baca, dengarkan dan renungkan firmanNya. FirmanNya begitu indah menyapa kita, meneguhkan, memberi penghiburan dan menuntun kita menuju keselamatan

* Hayati dengan sungguh-sungguh kehadiranNya di dalam doa, di saat menyantap Tubuh dan DarahNya dalam perjamuan Ekaristi; serta sadari penyertaanNya di dalam setiap peristiwa kehidupan

Semoga perjumpaan pribadi denganNya, membuat relasi kita denganNya bertambah erat dan memampukan kita untuk bertumbuh menjadi pengikutNya yang setia, sehingga kelak kita diperkenankan melihat kemuliaanNya.


⭕Mutiara Iman


24 Agustus 2016

_"Mari dan lihatlah!"_ (Yoh 1:48)

Why 21:9b-14; Mzm 145:10-11,12-13ab, 17-18; Yoh 1:45-51.

Setelah selesai mengikuti retus KEP, Richard berkomitmen untuk memberikan 30% dari waktunya untuk melayani.
Banyak teman-temannya yang melihat perubahan dari Richard.

Suatu malam Hendarto bertemu Richard di rumahnya dan berkata :
"Wah kamu itu sibuk sekali sampai lupa teman! Kapan kita ngobrol-ngobrol lagi sampai malam?"

Richard berkata :
"Iya Hen, sejak selesai mengikuti KEP, saya berkomitmen untuk melayani Tuhan."

"Lho kok emang ada apa di KEP?" tanya Hendarto.

"Saya mengalami Tuhan! Dan Roh Kudus menggerakkanku terus. Kamu ikut saja dan alami sendiri" jawab Richard.

Tiga bulan kemudian, Hendarto bertemu Richard di gereja dan berkata :
"Richard, saya telah bertemu Tuhan!"

Filipus menjawab kepada Natanael :
"Mari dan lihatlah!"

Tuhan akan kita alami ketika kita mau pergi dan melihat Dia.

Ya Tuhan, tambahkanlah iman kami. Amin.

_Marilah kita melakukan karya kerahiman dengan setia mencari Tuhan dan mengalami kasih-Nya._

*Have a Blessed Wednesday.*


St Bartholomew, Apostle.
Wednesday 24th August.
John 1:45-51.

Philip found Nathanael, and said to him, "We have found him of whom Moses in the law and also the prophets wrote, Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph."

Nathanael said to him, "Can anything good come out of Nazareth?"

Philip said to him, "Come and see."

Jesus saw Nathanael coming to him, and said of him, "Behold, an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile!" ...

Nathanael answered him, "Rabbi, you are the Son of God! You are the King of Israel!"

We know little about Philip's friend, Nathaniel, or Bartholomew ('son of Tolmai') as he was later known, but Jesus gave him a great compliment: in him there was no "guile". There was no deception in him. Jesus could see right away that he was forthright, honest, open, plainspoken, straightforward, upfront, earnest, and unpretentious.

Jesus loved that and appointed him an Apostle.
Nathanael found it difficult to believe that the Messiah could come from Nazareth but, once he saw Him, he accepted it plainly.

We need to cultivate human virtues. They are the foundation on which supernatural virtues rest. Grace builds on top of virtue. It can't build anything if there are no human virtues.

As Peter Kreeft said, "Great saints have often been made out of great sinners, but not one was ever made out of a wimp".

They may have had faults, but they also had virtues.

Saul of Tarsus was a zealous man. He wasn't a coward or a lukewarm Jew. He was studious, diligent, brave... but he was wrong to be persecuting Christians.
However as soon as he realized he was wrong, he had the honesty to change his ways.

Saints follow the truth, even if that means changing their minds or complicating their lives.
God 'counted on' the zeal of Saul, transforming it into a great instrument for evangelisation - just as he counted on the loyalty of Peter, the boldness of James and John, the obedience of Abraham, the firmness of Moses, the tenacity of Francis of Assisi, the humility of John Vianney... the honesty of Nathanael.

God also counts on our virtue to pour His grace into our souls and change the world.

Mary, my Mother, you possess all the virtues. Help me learn from you so that God can build with His grace on top of my virtuous life.


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Have a Blessed Wednesday!





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