Monday, July 4, 2016

RenHar. 4 Juli 2016. Iman.

4 Juli 2016.

*⭕Mutiara Iman*


4 Juli 2016

*"Teguhkanlah hatimu, hai anak-Ku, imanmu telah menyelamatkan engkau"*
(Mat 9:22)

Hos 2:13,14b-15,18-19; Mzm 145:2-3,4-5,6-7,8-9; Mat 9:18-26

Suatu pagi Lisa mendatangi ibunya, Linda dan berkata bahwa dokter kandungannya menyarankan janinnya digugurkan karena akan cacat apabila dilahirkan.

Lalu Linda berkata :
"Mama akan doakan setiap malam dan kamu juga harus mendoakannya setiap saat dan percaya bahwa Tuhan akan memberikan anak yang sehat untukmu."

Sejak saat itu setiap pagi Lisa dan Linda pergi misa, lalu diakhiri dengan adorasi dan malamnya mereka berdoa Rosario.

18 bulan kemudian, seorang anak berjalan pelan-pelan sambil membawa Rosario dan memberikannya pada Lisa.

Lalu Linda berkata :
"Rafael lahir sehat karena iman kamu yang begitu kuat!"
Lisa pun memeluk Linda penuh haru sambil berkata :
"Iman kita bersama ibu."

Yesus berkata kepada wanita itu :
"Teguhkanlah hatimu, hai anak-Ku, imanmu telah menyelamatkan engkau."

Kesembuhan terjadi bukan karena suatu ritual supernatural, tetapi sebuah gerakan iman.

Ya Tuhan, tambahkanlah iman kami. Amin.

_Marilah kita melakukan karya kerahiman dengan memiliki iman kepada Tuhan bahwa Dia mampu menyembuhkan dan membangkitkan._

*Have a Blessed Monday.*



      Dlm Injil hari ini seorg perempuan yg menderita pendarahan sembuh krn iman & harapannya yg besar kpd Yesus.
      Demikian pula anak kepala rumah ibadat yg mati, krn kepercayaannya bahwa Yesus mampu menyembuhkan anaknya, akhirnya anaknya hidup kembali krn imannya.
       Sapaan penuh belas kasih Yesus sungguh memberi kekuatan peng - hiburan & kesembuhan bagi mrk yg percaya kpd-Nya.
      Yesus, Sang Sumber Pengharapan telah menganugrahkan kasih-Nya kpd kita, maka sudah layak & pantaslah kita membagi kasih itu dengan memberi penghiburan kepada yang membutuhkan.
      Dlm Yesus kita melihat kasih Allah yg tak terbatas menyebar ke-masing2 individu saat Ia memberikan diri-Nya secara bebas / utuh kpd setiap org yg dijumpai-Nya.
            Marilah mohon, semoga Tuhan Yesus menyentuh hidup kita dengan kekuatan-Nya yang menyelamatkan, menyembuhkan & membebaskan dan mengembalikan kita ke kepenuhan hidup, supaya kitapun mampu sepenuhnya memberikan diri dalam kasih pelayanan kpd sesama ...

    Selamat Senin, 4 July,
selamat beraktivitas ,
Tuhan memberkati.


Matthew 9:18-26. Monday 4th July.

A ruler came in and knelt before him, saying,
"My daughter has just died; but come and lay your hand on her, and she will live"

... And when Jesus came to the ruler's house, and saw the flute players, and the crowd making a tumult, he said, "Depart; for the girl is not dead but sleeping."
And they laughed at him.

But when the crowd had been put outside, he went in and took her by the hand, and the girl arose.

They laughed at Jesus; they actually laughed!
They thought they knew better than anyone else.
They 'thought' they knew better.

But thank God, they were wrong. We can imagine their jaws dropping when Jesus led the girl out by the hand, alive and well. It's not unusual that they laughed at Jesus.

As with the saints, if you are His disciple you should expect some to laugh at you. But you know the saying:
'He who laughs last, laughs best'.
They will laugh at us, but we will keep laughing for all eternity.

There was at university a group of bullies who used to make fun of a good Christian in their class, named Bill. They would make sarcastic comments about him: that he was a 'sacristan' or 'seminarian in disguise', and comments of that sort.
Bill never answered back; he always smiled and never lost his cool.

They were 'good' people but without respect for God or religion.
As Bill was coming into class one day, one of the bullies said in a loud voice:
'We've got a party on Friday, you know: girls, alcohol...' then he turned to the people and added, 'but of course, you CAN'T come! It is a sin... isn't it?'
The whole class had their eyes fixed on Bill to see his reaction.

After an awkward moment of silence, he answered: 'I won't be able to join you... not because it's a sin, but because I'm planning to go to an old people's home with some friends to cheer up a few of the elderly who are lonely.'
Then, turning to the rest of the spectators, added: 'Everyone's welcome if you want to join us!'

Their party was a flop. More than twenty mates decided to join Bill and organise a 'party' for the elderly that Friday. There was such laughter there that some even lost their false teeth!

Holy Mary,
Cause of our Joy, may we never be concerned about the laughter of those who don't understand us; may it never prevent us from being true to your Son and full of joy.



 4 Juli 2016.


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