Monday, February 1, 2016

Empat Renungan Harian. Minggu Biasa4. 31Jan16. "Yesus, kakak sulung kita." Mutiara Iman. "PADA HARI INI." "The power of peer pressure." Rm.Antara.KAJ.

Melalui Sakramen Baptis,
kita diangkat menjadi anak-anak Allah.

Dengan demikian menjadikan Yesus sebagai kakak sulung kita.

Sebagai keluarga terdekatNya,
seharusnya kita mengenal pribadiNya
dan percaya kepadaNya.

Tapi justru kita kerap menyakiti hatiNya
lewat pikiran,
perkataan dan
tindakan kita.

Kasih Yesus abadi
dan tidak pernah berubah.

Mari bertobat dan berjalan bersamaNya
meniti jalan keselamatan.


Mutiara Iman

31 Januari 2016

"Pada hari ini genaplah nas ini sewaktu kamu mendengarnya" (Luk 4:21)

Yer 1:4-5,17-19; Mzm 71:1-2,3-4a,5-6ab,15ab,17; 1 Kor 12:31-13:13; Luk 4:21-30

Setiap hari pukul 3 pagi, Rudi sudah bangun dan dengan mengendarai sepedanya ia menuju perumahan untuk mulai bekerja membersihkan taman dan jalanan.

Pukul 6 pagi, seorang ibu yang hendak berolah raga melihat depan rumahnya menjadi sangat bersih, lalu mengambil roti dan membuat kopi, dan memberikannya kepada Rudi.

Melihat ibu Susan membawakan makanan, Rudi pun membuat tanda salib dan berdoa.

Lalu ibu Susan bertanya:
"Apa yang kamu doakan?"

Rudi menjawab:
"Semoga Tuhan mengabulkan setiap doa ibu."

Tidak lama kemudian, pembantunya berteriak :
"Bu, ada telpon dari den Martin, katanya ia sudah lulus bu!"

Seperti orang kebingungan, dengan mata berkaca-kaca di depan Rudi, ibu itu pun menengadahkan tangannya sambil berkata:
"Terima kasih Tuhan!"

Rudi pun hanya memandang ibu itu dengan rasa haru dan syukur.

Yesus berkata :
"Pada hari ini genaplah nas ini sewaktu kamu mendengarnya."

Ketika kita mendengarkan Sabda Tuhan dengan iman, maka genaplah Firman yang disabdakan-Nya.

Ya Tuhan, bersabdalah, hambamu mendengarkan. Amin.

Marilah kita melakukan karya kerahiman dengan mewartakan kabar baik kepada sesama.

Have a Blessed Sunday


St John Bosco
Sun 31st Jan.          
Lk 4:21-30.

Jesus said to them,
"Truly, I say to you, no prophet is acceptable in his own country. But in truth, I tell you ... there were many lepers in Israel in the time of the prophet Elisha; and none of them was cleansed, but only Naaman the Syrian."

When they heard this, all in the synagogue were  filled with wrath. And they rose up and put him out of the city, and led him to the brow of the hill on which their city was built, that they might throw him down headlong.

They had the "hometown syndrome". They didn't like that Jesus had 'worked miracles' in other places but not in His hometown.
Besides, they couldn't believe that the Son of Joseph and Mary could be a prophet.

But some of them hesitated: some remembered Him as a remarkable Boy, some had fond memories of Him, some were childhood friends... and yet they allowed others to take Jesus to a cliff in order to throw Him down.
It is the power of peer pressure.

One day a professor of calculus at university was surprised to see that only one student had come to the lecture that day.

Apparently the class team had a football match and the other students didn't want to miss it.  They asked the best pupil to attend the lecture and take notes for the rest. But as the pupil was taking his notes in a hurry, he made a mistake.

On the day of the exam all the students made the same mistake in one of the questions.  inking that all of them couldn't be wrong, they concluded that the teacher had got it wrong and they asked for a re-mark. 

The teacher explained that it didn't matter how many people had got it wrong; the answer was still wrong.

"A lie is a lie even if everyone believes it.
The truth is true, even if no-one believes it".

The truth is not relative.
Your age, for instance, is exactly what it is.
And even if everyone in the world thinks you are younger or older, or they vote and decide to change it, they are still wrong.

Sometimes as Christians we  find ourselves defending the truth against those with mistaken beliefs.

Let's remember that we are witnesses to the Truth and should defend It with charity always.

In the face of peer pressure we ask Our Lord for the courage to stand up always for what is true, what is right... Even if they also bring us to a cliff ...!


Renungan Harian :

Minggu Biasa4.

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Empat Renungan Harian. Minggu Biasa4. 31Jan16.
"Yesus, kakak sulung kita."
Mutiara Iman. "PADA HARI INI."
"The power of peer pressure."

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